Every week new personalized challenges that help you and your team stay within the best work and team management practices.
Good Practices indicator
Every week new personalized challenges that help you and your team stay within the best work and team management practices.
At Bud we want to influence best work management practices through small challenges that create habits to engage your team and promote positive changes in their work routine. With this in mind, we have gathered the best work management practices to recommend actions within Bud on a weekly basis. The new Good Practices indicator was designed to keep what is most important always visible and help you prioritize the demands of your routine.
How it works
Every week, 3 new challenges are added to your dashboard, related to pending issues that can help you create an update routine and, together with your team, keep the indicator always in the green!

The indicator directs you to where you need to go and when you complete your challenges, you help increase your Score, in addition to keeping up to date with your pending issues in bud :)
So, what do you think of the new feature? :)
The launch of the Good Practices indicator is a huge milestone for Bud’s team! This functionality is the result of months of hard work, dedication and care, and we are very excited to be able to share this with our users.
If you would like to share your comments and suggestions about Bud, or if you need help from our support, please contact us by emailing us at help@getbud.co.
© Bud, 2023. Todos os direitos reservados.